Tag Archives: class

Rebels Without a Chin

Every so often my heart is too fragile to stand up to the heroic and –at times- creatively magnificent emotional blackmail of my mother. In a fleeting moment of vulnerability (you have to stay on your toes with my mam in much the same way you’d keep your hand on your wallet in the presence of the Artful Dodger, otherwise before you know it you’re agreeing to go and see Michael Bubble in concert, or donating a fucking kidney) my defences were down and she’d convinced me to accompany her to see a film.


Then of course, I find out it’s starring Colin Firth and Nicole Kidman. As if my mother and all the world’s Casting Directors had colluded to most robustly offend me.


If there is a less entertaining spectacle than a pouting Nicole Kidman, faking an English accent and trying to make us believe she’s an abused Middle-England housewife, I’ve yet to witness it. And Colin Firth can go fuck himself as well. How was anyone moved by a film about an actual king with a speech impediment? I’ve felt more emotionally attached to STDs. This middle-class reputation he has of being a sex symbol because of that shite Mr Darcy, wearing-jodhpurs-in-the-lake, balls? If you, or anyone you care about is wanking over a posh, curly-haired, middle-aged fella with tits, striding out of a pond attempting to look haughty… well good for you, man. I need something a bit more substantial.


Anyway, so I’m at the cinema with She Who Must Be Obeyed and three litres of Ben and Jerry’s to fill the emotional gap that will be left after her relentless, insidious criticisms and then it occurs… Not the film, which – as it happens – wasn’t quite as shit as the sum of it’s terrible cast members, but THIS


So, what they’ve done here is make a film called The Riot Club which has been adapted from a novel called Posh, which is essentially a fictional account of The Oxford University “Bullingdon Club.”


The Bullingdon Club, for those of you unfamiliar, is an exclusive club for some Oxford University students, comprised mostly of all the snivelling little bastard offspring of the very richest who will one day try and tell us all that Benefit Scroungers are satanic, whilst they privately snort ketomine from squirrel’s arseholes etc.



That picture of Boris Johnson, David Cameron and George Osborne where they’re (allegedly) about 19 and stood on some steps somewhere, not dressed that dissimilarly to the aforementioned Colin Firth as Mr Darcy and trying – just as unsuccessfully – to look haughty? That’s the club.


Which is why the trailer for this film might confuse you.


I appreciate that Hollywood/ Pinewood have to use some artistic licence, but let’s not get fucking daft. These chiselled actor toffs are a totally different breed to the Bullingdon toffs and it’s ethically insane to assert differently.


Charlize Theron won an Oscar for essentially putting on three stone and not wearing make-up to play serial killer Aileen Wuornos. Why are these Tory cunts getting the soft-focus of drama school dreamboats with defined abdomens and actual jaw lines?


Fair enough, trying to find ten posh young men who, even cumulatively, could not establish enough chin for one would be a tricky task, but surely there are chinless actors that need work?


Even if we weren’t morally aggrieved – and I’ll reiterate, we definitely are – by the artistic interpretation of a group of men as Hugo Boss underwear models, when in real life they’re more aesthetically attuned to an Addam’s Family Reunion – who in the name of all that is sacred gives a solitary fuck about the social life of a handful of socialite gobshites?


First, someone’s written a fictitious book giving an approximation of what these hairy ballsacks did at eighteen and not only is it published, but enough people have read the fucker to warrant making a film?


But wait, I hear you cry, it turns out – and you’ll never believe this – that the obnoxious little turds didn’t appreciate their financial privilege and went around shitting on poor people, by smashing up hotel rooms and restaurants, without care or regard for their fellow man. No, seriously.


In this trailer they make these acts of torment seem like heroic, rebellious acts of unbridled hedonism, but the truth is – and we all know it – that the closest a Tory will ever come to an act of bravery is allowing their mistress to suck them off in the same postcode as their sound biting spouse.


In this trailer there’s murder and intrigue and the sexy suggestion that anything can happen when in the presence of these James Dean-esque rogues.


Spoiler alert: the worst that’s ever happened is Boris Johnson types have had to pay for smashing the windows of establishments that didn’t want them there, while a putrid, sweaty-joweled George Osborne shits into his dormitory sink and promises never to drink again.


It’s not a film’s worth. It’s not even an interesting anecdote.


I’m holding out for the Leon Brittan missing paedophile dossier film.